This is a love letter to small business owners.
To the ones who work two other jobs on the side.
To the ones who have spouses and kids to feed and cherish and tend to.
To the ones who have houses to clean and chores to finish.
To the ones who stay up late after everyone else is in bed.
To the ones who stay up so late they see the sun rise.
To the ones who constantly have to fight off the negativity of people who don’t understand.
To the ones who have friends and family who don’t think you’re doing “real work.”
To the ones who try and fail, and try and fail, and try and fail, and try and succeed.
To the ones who put in hours and hours of work and get nothing back.
To the ones who go weeks or months in a dry spell when all you can think about is giving up.
To the ones who risk it all to stay true to themselves.
To the ones who take a leap of faith and trust they’ll land on their feet.
To the ones who get snide remarks and choose to ignore them.
To the ones who get constructive criticism and are humble enough to learn from it.
To the ones who feel like they constantly have to prove themselves to others.
To the ones who feel like they constantly have to prove themselves to themselves.
To the ones who feel like they’re not enough.
To the ones who struggle with imposter syndrome.
To the ones who have to step back and re-evaluate.
To the ones who are tired.
To the ones who are questioning.
To the ones who are succeeding.
To the ones who have finally found their calling.
To the ones who reach their goals and then set new ones.
To the dreamers.
To the fighters.
To the doers.
This is for you. I know you, and I appreciate you, and I’m one of you. Keep your chin up and keep pressing onward. It’s hard, but it’s worth it. I believe in you. We’re all in this together.
Hey! I have 2 other jobs, how did you know?! This post is beautiful and encouraging
I love this sweet and encouraging post!! I can relate to many of these (especially thinking back to when I began my business) and I hope it is impactful toward everyone who reads it!